I completed my Ph.D. in Computer Science at Wayne State University (WSU) under the supervision of Dr. Amiangshu Bosu in 2024. I also obtained an MSc in Computer Science from WSU in 2022. I work in Software Engineering Analytics Lab (SEAL) at WSU. My research interest lies in Human Factors Software Engineering, Empirical Software Engineering, Natural Language Processing, and Human-Computer Interaction. Currently, I am working on antisocial behavior analysis in the Software Engineering textual interaction platforms.
Update: From Fall (August) 2024, I will join as Tenure Track Assistant Professor in Computer Science Department at University of Nebraska Omaha

Quick Link: [CV] [Linkedin] [Github] [Google Scholar] [Twitter]

Selected Publications


[J1] [TOSEM-23] [Full Paper] [Rank= A*] Jaydeb Sarker, Asif Kamal Turzo, Ming Dong, and Amiangshu Bosu. Automated Identification of Toxic Code Reviews Using ToxiCR (ACM Transactions on Software Engineering and Methodology, February 2023).
Accepted for presentation in Journal First Track of The ACM Joint European Software Engineering Conference and Symposium on the Foundations of Software Engineering (ESEC/FSE)-2023, San Francisco, California, United States.


[C1] [ESEM-23] [Full Paper] [Rank= A] Jaydeb Sarker, Sayma Sultana, Steven R. Wilson, Amiangshu Bosu. ToxiSpanSE: An Explainable Toxicity Detection in Code Review Comments , Technical Track, The 17th ACM/IEEE International Symposium on Empirical Software Engineering and Measurement- 2023, New Orleans, Louisiana, United States.

[C2] [ESEM-23] [Full Paper] [Rank= A] Asif Kamal Turzo, Fahim Faysal, Ovi Poddar, Jaydeb Sarker, Anindya Iqbal, Amiangshu Bosu. Towards Automated Classification of Code Review Feedback to Support Analytics , Technical Track, The 17th ACM/IEEE International Symposium on Empirical Software Engineering and Measurement- 2023, New Orleans, Louisiana, United States.

[C3] [APSEC-20] [Full Paper] Jaydeb Sarker, Asif Kamal Turzo, and Amiangshu Bosu. A benchmark study of the contemporary toxicity detectors on software engineering interactions. In proceedings of the 27th Asia-Pacific SoftwareEngineering Conference 2020, Singapore pp. 218–227.


[SP1] [ASE-22] [Short Paper] Jaydeb Sarker, " 'Who built this crap?' Developing a Software Engineering Domain Specific Toxicity Detector" , In Proceedings of the 37th IEEE/ACM International Conference on Automated Software Engineering (Student Research Competition)

[SP2] [ASE-22] [Short Paper] Jaydeb Sarker, "Identification and Mitigation of Toxic Communications Among Open Source Software Developers" , In Proceedings of the 37th IEEE/ACM International Conference on Automated Software Engineering (Doctoral Symposium)

[SP3] [ESEM-21] [Short Paper] S Sultana, J Sarker, A Bosu. A Rubric to Identify Misogynistic and Sexist Texts from Software Developer Communications , Emerging Results and Vision paper,15th ACM/IEEE International Symposium on Empirical Software Engineering and Measurement- 2021, Bari, Italy.

Honors and Awards

  • Outstanding Graduate Teaching Assistant Award at CS for teaching SE lab, WSU, 2024
  • SIGSOFT CAPS award to attend FSE-2023
  • WSU Graduate Student Professional Travel Award 2023 for attending FSE-2023
  • NSF Travel Award to attend ESEM-2023
  • SIGSOFT CAPS award to attend ESEM-2023
  • NSF Travel Award to attend Midwest PL Summit 2023 University of Michigan, Ann Arbor
  • Awarded 2022-2023 Thomas C. Rumble University Graduate Fellowship at Wayne State University
  • WSU Graduate Student Professional Travel Award 2022 for attending ASE2022
  • Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst (DAAD) scholarship- 2017
  • Technical scholarship in RUET for outstanding results throughout 2012 to 2016
  • General grade scholarship in SSC exam 2009 from Dhaka board
  • News

  • May 08, 2024: Successfully defended my Ph.D. in Computer Science!!! having a doctorate !!!!!!!
  • April 2024: Accepted the Tenure Track Assistant Professor Offer from University of Nebraska Omaha in Computer Science
  • April, 2024: Selected for the Outstanding Graduate Teaching Assistant Award by the CS Department at WSU !!!
  • December 12, 2023: Passed the Ph.D. prospectus defense !!!
  • September, 2023: Selected as a Reviewer in SANER-2024-Tool-Demo-Track
  • September, 2023: Selected as a Reviewer in ICSE-2024 Artifact Evaluation
  • June 16,23, Paper accepted to ESEM-23, Technical Track ESEM 2023
  • Jan 17, 23, Paper 'Automated Identification of Toxic Code Reviews Using ToxiCR' has been accepted to ACM Transactions on Software Engineering and Methodology (TOSEM) TOSEM 2023
  • Oct 10-14, Presented 2 works at ASE2022
  • August 16, 2022: Awarded Thomas C. Rumble University Graduate Fellowship!!!!!
  • August 11, 2022: A Paper has been accepted to the ASE-2022 Student Research Competition Track!!!!!
  • August 5, 2022: Jaydeb's Doctoral Symposium has been accepted to ASE-2022!!!!!
  • 24-27 May 2022: Attended the premier conference in Software Engineering, ICSE 2022 as a student volunteer (In Person at Pittsburg, PA, USA)- ICSE2022
  • Old News
  • Education
  • Ph.D. in Computer Science in Wayne State University (Aug 2019- May 2024)
  • MSc in Computer Science, Wayne State University (Aug 2019- Aug 2022)
  • BSc. in Computer Science and Engineering in Rajshahi University of Engineering and Technology ( Position: First Class 7th ), Passing Year: 2016
  • Work Experience

    Graduate Teaching Assistant May 2023- May 2024

    Graduate Teaching Assistant August 2019- July 2022

    Department of Computer Science, Wayne State University, MI, US


    WSU, Department of Computer Science
  • CSC 4111: Software Engineering Lab [Winter 24,22,21, Fall 23, Summer 22]
  • CSC 4111: Software Engineering Lecture [Summer 22]
  • CSC 4420: Computer Operating Systems Lecture and lab [Summer 23]
  • CSC 1101: Problem Solving and Programming Laboratory [Fall 20, Summer 20, Winter 20, Fall 19]
  • CSC 1100: Problem Solving and Programming [Summer 20]

  • UITS, Department of Computer Science & Engineering
  • CSE 103/104: Structured Programming Language (lab and theory) [Spring 19, Fall 18]
  • CSE 451: Software Engineering [Spring 19]
  • CSE 214: Algorithms [Spring 2017, Summer 17]
  • Reviewing and Community Services

    Journal Reviewing

  • Reviewer of Springer Software Quality Journal 2022
  • Conference Committee

  • PC member in ICSE Artifact Evaluation- 2024 ICSE-artifact-2024
  • PC member in MSR 2024 Junior PC MSR 2024
  • PC member in SANER Tools Demo Track- 2024 SANER-tool-2024
  • PC member in MSR 2023 Junior PC , Acted as Main Reviewer, 2023
  • Reviewer in MSR Shadow Program Committee member, 2021
  • Additional Reviewers within the ICSE 2021- Tool Demonstrations-track
  • Volunteer Experience

  • ASE-2022: 37th IEEE/ACM International Conference on Automated Software Engineering , Oakland Center, MI, USA
  • ICSE-2022: The 44th International Conference on Software Engineering, Attended in Person at Pittsburg
  • ASE 2021: 36th IEEE/ACM International Conference on Automated Software Engineering, attened virtual (Original: Melbourne, Australia)
  • 43th ICSE-2021, Virtual Conference (Original: Madrid, Spain)
  • Contact

    Email: jaydebsarker@wayne.edu
    Department of Computer Science
    Wayne State University
    5057 Woodward Ave., Suite# 3105, Detroit, MI 48202